British drivers and expats face fines in Spain for common driving mistakes.

British drivers and expats are being warned of expensive fines they face for common bad habits when travelling in Spain over the summer this year. Millions of Britons head to Spain every year to bask in the sun and make the most of the summer holidays, and this year will be no exception.

However, experts are warning that motorists could be slapped with fines if they are planning to drive when they are there, with British expats living in Spain also at risk. Law changes in Spain were updated in January in a bid to make roads across the country safer for all road users.

Police forces have been cracking down on motorists who flout the rules when they are not using an indicator, which many will admit they do on a daily basis. The rules require drivers to use the indicator when they are taking on manoeuvres such as changing lanes, turning into roads or exiting roundabouts.

The Spanish Directorate-General for Traffic (DGT) insisted that it was a “critical component of road safety” for drivers to use their indicators so other road users know where they are looking to travel. It was part of a larger campaign to make driving and road users in Spain safer, similar to the DVLA using the Highway Code to remind drivers of the correct way to drive.

Since January, Spanish police have been getting tough on drivers who fail to use their indicators, which many drivers will admit they are guilty of from time to time. This summer, falling foul of this rule could land you with a €200, or £170, fine as law enforcement officers get tough on offenders. Not only that, but being too slow to use your indicators before changing direction can land you with a minimum €80, or £68, fine.


What are the new driving regulations in Spain for 2024?

The latest regulations in Spain, updated in January, focus on improving road safety. Notably, there is a crackdown on drivers who fail to use indicators when changing lanes, turning, or exiting roundabouts. Fines for these offences range from €80 to €200.

Are British expats in Spain affected by these new driving laws?

Yes, British expats living in Spain are subject to the same driving laws as local drivers. It’s essential for expats to familiarise themselves with these regulations to avoid fines and ensure safe driving practices.

How much is the fine for not using indicators in Spain?

Failing to use indicators when required can result in a fine of €200 (£170). Additionally, using indicators too late can attract a fine of €80 (£68).

Are these fines applicable to tourists as well?

Yes, tourists driving in Spain are also subject to these fines. It is crucial for tourists to understand and comply with Spanish driving laws to avoid penalties during their stay.

What should I do to avoid fines while driving in Spain?

To avoid fines, always use indicators when changing lanes, turning, or exiting roundabouts. Familiarise yourself with Spanish road rules, which may differ from those in the UK. Pay attention to local traffic signs and follow all regulations diligently.

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