Figures released this week show that the sale of real estate in the Valencian Community grew by 16% in November compared to the same month of 2020, the third autonomous region with the highest increase after Andalusia and Catalonia, while total mortgages rose 7.2%.
Throughout Spain, 93,178 real estate sales were registered in November, according to the data released by the College of Property and Mercantile Registrars.
Due to the effects of the pandemic on the national economy, the College of Registrars has offered a preview of the Real Estate Registry Statistics for the fourth quarter of 2021, which reveals that the sale of all types of properties across Valencia grew in November by 16,1%, compared to the same month of the previous year, although the figure is two and a half points lower than the national average (+18.7%).
In total, 13,234 transactions were registered in Valencia, compared to the 11,399 transactions registered in November 2020, a period in which real estate activity was affected by the confinement.
If we make the comparison with November 2019 (the year before the pandemic), the growth is however higher (+28%), exceeding the national average (+25%) by three points, according to the figures from the College of Registrars.
The total data places the Valencian Community in third place in a number of operations behind only Andalusia (19,047) and Catalonia (13,300), surpassing the Community of Madrid by almost 3,500 operations, and with respect to November 2020, all the autonomies present increases except Navarra.
As for mortgages, their behaviour during the month of November is similar in terms of their evolution to that indicated for purchases and sales, although slightly lower.
Thus, the number of total mortgages in the Valencian Community through their registration during the month of November shows a growth of 7.2% in relation to November 2020 and of 12.2% if we compare it with the same month of year 2019.
In any of the cases, the growth is lower than the average registered in all Spain, with all the regions in positive with the exception of the Canary Islands.
In total numbers (5,452 operations), the Valencian Community is fourth after Andalusia, Madrid and Catalonia.
At the national level, it goes from 38,474 mortgages on all types of properties (November 2020) to 47,449 in November 2021.
In reference to mortgages exclusively on homes, Valencia recorded 3,835 transactions compared to 2,999 in November 2019 (+27.9%) and 3,442 in November 2020 (+11.4%). Of these, there were 1,471 in Alicante, 329 in Castellón, and 1,642 in Valencia, concludes the report.