The allure of moving to Spain continues to captivate many, especially those from Britain. Despite Brexit’s complexities, the trend of Britons relocating to Spain is on the rise. Recent figures from the National Statistics Institute of Spain (INE) highlight this growing phenomenon.

There’s been a significant uptick in the number of British citizens making Spain their home, with a notable increase of 11,047 individuals in the last year alone. As of January, Spain’s official census reports a remarkable total of 293,171 UK nationals residing in the country.

So, where in Spain are Brits settling down? The region with the highest concentration of British expats is Andalusia, home to 92,180 British residents. The Valencia region is not far behind, hosting 87,699 Britons. Ranking third is the Canary Islands, with a British population of 29,631. Other areas gaining popularity among British expats include Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, and Murcia, which is seeing a rapid rise in British residents.

Check out Alenda Golf its 15 minutes form Alicante , its airport and the beautiful Elche with its narrow streets full of restaraunts, bars and shops.